My 2019 in Review
I’ve seen a lot of people posting about their highlights of 2019, and I thought I should join in the fun. Additionally, it’s been a while since I’ve blogged, so it seemed like a...
I’ve seen a lot of people posting about their highlights of 2019, and I thought I should join in the fun. Additionally, it’s been a while since I’ve blogged, so it seemed like a...
I was lucky enough to be one of over ten thousand people chosen to be an “unpaid spectator” Saturday at Heinz Field in Pittsburgh for the film The Dark Knight Rises. In case you...
As a freelancer writer, I know my life intrigues many people. No, I don’t have an employer and I don’t have to wake up at 6 a.m. everyday. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t...
Let’s be real. There’s not much to like about the coronavirus. It’s killing people, causing people to lose their jobs, and deflating the economy. That said, every situation has some positives, right? Let’s take...
Having two monster dogs makes it hard to dress them up for special occasions. I don’t know if you have noticed, but all the dog costumes in stores are for midget, rat-sized dogs. This...
It’s been a while since I dyed my hair a crazy color, so I felt like it was time. In case you weren’t aware, my hair has been pink, orange, teal, red, and pink...
So… yeah. It’s been a while since I’ve posted, but my excuse is that I’ve been busy enjoying life. That, and wallowing in despair, oddly enough. Basically, I’m either too happy or too sad...
camino de santiago / news / ways wattsenglish has wronged me
by Kristy Snyder · Published October 24, 2013 · Last modified July 12, 2015
So, it’s been a while. My bad. My excuse for June and July is that I went on a month-long hike through Spain and had no internet or computer access. My excuse for the...
Good news abounds – is now officially hosted on Arvixe and runs on WordPress. Already you can see how much better it looks. I’m still tinkering with all the functionality of everything, but...
Welcome to my new site! I plan on making this blog a place for random articles, junk, videos, reviews, etc. It will soon be at the height of internet fame, so be sure to...