
Ok, it’s time for a post. Hopefully I can start getting back on track with posting more than once every year, etc. I can’t make any promises though.One important announcement, however, that I feel needs to be made – I’m moving! No, not physically. I wish. However, I am moving the location of this blog. I’ve come to the conclusion that Blogger kind of sucks. Well, it’s ok, but I don’t really have any control over the finer details of my site’s design. I’d really like to start from scratch and try to concoct a layout myself and not be forced to use these crappy template designs. Therefore, I’ll be making the jump over to the WordPress CMS. I think it will give me a LOT more freedom and help make the overall content of my blog much more intriguing.

I’m still looking into the right web hosting plans for me, so if you have any suggestions, let me know. It will probably take me a few weeks to actually take the plunge into a new host as well as get the domain name transferred over, so until then, please continue to enjoy my lack of posting. I will transfer all the old blog posts from this site over to the new host, so you probably won’t even notice a difference. Other than the fact that visually things might stop looking like crap.

I also plan to move my personal website,, off Google Sites. Basically because it sucks even worse than Blogger. There is even less control for design on that application, which is strange because it’s a service not geared towards blogging. I understand that there are only so many ways you can set up a blog and have it function properly, but on a personal site, the design possibilities should be endless. Unless you are using Google Sites. I’m undecided if I’ll also use WordPress on there or just give my own design abilities a go… but either way, it will also stop looking like crap soon.

Other than that, my plans for this blog remain the same. I still have ideas for content, the problem is just producing said content. I’m desperately trying to find work at home opportunities, and I’m even considering starting my own blog content services business. So if/when that all happens, I should be able to be more creative with my endeavors!

Kristy Snyder

I'm a creative and quirky woman just looking to make her mark on the world. Writer, thinker, crafter, doer. Loves playing ice hockey and curling up with a good book. Traveling is a foremost passion and the road is always calling. Above all, I try to be an enjoyer of life.

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