Deluded Rambling A Place for Random Crap

Dance Performance Pens Fan in Vrchlabi, Czech Republic?

In the middle of a public dance performance in the middle of the mountain city of Vrchlabi in the middle of the Czech Republic… I saw this guy with a Pens cap on. Picture...

A Video about my Old Videos

I’m trying something a little different today. I used to make some stupid vlogs, but the stipulation was that I always had to be driving. Now that I’ve sold my car and live in...

Ways Wattsenglish Has Wronged Me #2

Throughout the past few months, I have been collecting evidence against my employer, Wattsenglish, to show ways in which they have misled and downright lied to me about terms of employment, living arrangements, job...

Give Me Just One Night…

Prague nightlife has sort of been evasive to me these past nine months. Whether it was because of the generally bad weather, the hour and 45 minute journey by train, or the lack of...

Pierogies in Poland

I am moving backwards in time it seems. Two weekends ago, I went to Wroclaw, Poland. It was my first time really being in Poland, other than some train journeys that quickly passed through....

Ways Wattsenglish Has Wronged Me #3

Throughout the past few months, I have been collecting evidence against my employer, Wattsenglish, to show ways in which they have misled and downright lied to me about terms of employment, living arrangements, job...

Where have I been? Better yet… Where am I going?

So, it’s been a while. My bad. My excuse for June and July is that I went on a month-long hike through Spain and had no internet or computer access. My excuse for the...

NaNoWriMo 2013: A Rough Start

(Wondering what NaNoWriMo is? You should know by this time, but just in case – go to the official site to find out more, or click here to read a short post from me explaining.)...

droid 2 global sucks

The Move to WordPress is Complete

Good news abounds – is now officially hosted on Arvixe and runs on WordPress. Already you can see how much better it looks. I’m still tinkering with all the functionality of everything, but...

Preparing for a Pilgrimage: What to Take on the Camino de Santiago

Walking 500 some miles is not an easy feat, especially when you have to carry everything you need on your back. It really keeps you grounded and makes you realize exactly what is and...