Deluded Rambling A Place for Random Crap

I Haven’t Killed Myself Yet (Much to the chagrin of all the emo kids in the world)

Probably you’re wondering if I’m still alive. That last blog entry was a bit tumultuous. But yes, I’m hanging in here. Though I still count the days and still feel like I’m in a...

Pink hair dye kit

A Venture into Pink

When tedium sets in and I can’t take it anymore, I do something drastic. The Dark Passenger won’t let me rest until my urge is satiated. Killing people has been something I always –...

Ways Wattsenglish Has Wronged Me #1

Throughout the past few months, I have been collecting evidence against my employer, Wattsenglish, to show ways in which they have misled and downright lied to me about terms of employment, living arrangements, job...

Lycopene and Liberty for All!

It’s a tomato… It’s a man… It’s TOMATO MAN! Picture of the Moment is a segment where I post odd/intriguing/WTF pictures from my daily life. Experience what it is like to be me without...

Deluded Review: Dearly Devoted Dexter

From Book Description Publication Date: August 25, 2010 | Series: Dexter In this acclaimed follow-up to the bestselling novel Darkly Dreaming Dexter, we pick up with Dexter Morgan when he’s under considerable pressure. It’s not easy being...

Molly doesn't want me to move!


Ok, it’s time for a post. Hopefully I can start getting back on track with posting more than once every year, etc. I can’t make any promises though.One important announcement, however, that I feel...