Deluded Rambling A Place for Random Crap

writing a novel in a month

NaNoWriMo 2015: It Begins

NaNoWriMo 2015 has begun! If you’re not sure what NaNoWriMo is, basically the goal is to write a novel (50,000 words) in the period of one month. It is a tough challenge, especially if...

The Nano Experience

During the month of November, you may have seen random combinations of letters popping up everywhere. NanoASFH? NaNoWRUJNF? Actually, it’s NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. This clever and witty program was developed by...

breweries on the lake erie wine country trail itinerary

Lake Erie Wine Country Trail Itinerary, Day 2

It was too much to record our entire Lake Erie Wine Country trip in one post, so here is part two. If you missed part one, go back and check it out here. Anyway, to...

sharp objects book review

Deluded Review – Sharp Objects

About the Book Sharp Objects Written by Gillian Flynn 254 pages Published September 26th 2006 From Goodreads: As Camille works to uncover the truth about these violent crimes, she finds herself identifying with the young victims—a bit too strongly....

lake erie wine trail itinerary

Lake Erie Wine Country Itinerary, Day 1

Unbeknownst to many, the Lake Erie region has a treasure trove of wineries. In fact, the area has even created a Lake Erie Wine Country trail to promote them all. This littering of wineries spreads from...

the girl on the train review

Deluded Review – The Girl on the Train

About the Book The Girl on the Train Written by Paula Hawkins 336 pages Published January 1st 2014 From Goodreads: Rachel takes the same commuter train every morning. Every day she stops at the signal...

how to tie dye

How to Tie Dye: Battlefrog T-Shirts

When I was thinking of shirts for Drew and I to wear for Battlefrog, tie dye instantly came to mind. Since the word “frog” is in the name, I knew I wanted to do...

Florimell the cat meows a lot

I Am Florimell the Cat. Hear Me Meow!

Florimell the cat loves to meow for attention, sometimes for hours on end. It’s one of her favorite pastimes. It’s a close second to sleep. Her meows are so ferocious that they actually helped...

Dude Does Gay Lounge Under Liberty Bell?

This is Kevin. He’s not gay, at least we think. But man, does he look it. He seems way too interested in that crack, for sure… Taken on my trip to Philadelphia, December 9,...

Alien Dog Waiting for Spaceship

Molly the dog perches on her picnic table, awaiting the arrival of the promised space shuttle back to her home planet of dog world. She has learned all she can from our primitive culture,...