A Chicago Weekend, Day 2

Some random but cool sculpture
Morning came quickly, but we were in no hurry to rush into the day. We let it unfold slowly, savoring the taste and feel of 2017. Finally though, we began day 2 of our Chicago weekend and descended onto the streets once more, beginning our walk into the main part of the city.
It was a sunny and bright day, giving us the perfect opportunity to see all of the sights in their majestic glory. Angular and innovative architecture loomed above us at every turn, while streets rose and fell before us. We strolled through Millennium Park, taking in The Bean and Jay Pritzker Pavilion. We then headed over to the lake, walking along parts of the Lakefront Trail until we came to Navy Pier.
While it might not sound like much, all of this walking took a lot of time to complete, leaving us hungry and in need of rest. After a bit of research, we decided to head to the famous Italian market chain, Eataly. On our way there, we were accosted by a nice man who shined Drew’s shoes uninvited. Unfortunately, the police noticed this as well and promptly wrote the man a ticket. We sneakily crept away to avoid being involved any further.
Eataly was everything we could have hoped for and more. We gorged ourselves on scrumptious Italian pizza slices and fizzy imported drinks. Afterwards, we indulged in a bit of gelato despite the chilly weather. From here, we began to walk the Magnificent Mile, a stretch of glamorous and overpriced stores that makes it one of America’s most indulgent strips. However, we were able to find a respite from all the affluence in the Water Tower Mall, creeping into the Lego Store and the American Girl Store.
By this time, night had begun to fall, bringing with it a wave of cloud and fog. It was this change in weather that prevented us from going up to the Signature Lounge in the Hancock Building (a decision I was most happy about).
As the sun disappeared beyond the horizon, so did our energy levels. It was time to head home so that we could meet Drew’s cousin and go out to dinner with him. We decided on a Thai place called Talay Chicago. Unfortunately, it was a poor decision, as Drew’s entree of Rama Noodles was basically covered in an entire jar of peanut butter. We tried to make up for it with a nightcap at a nearby bar called WestEnd, but I’m not sure even the taste of beer could wash away the flavor.
With a 24 hour shift looming in the morning for Drew’s cousin, we decided it was also best for us to turn in early as well so that we’d be ready for a long day of continuing our tourist rampage on our Chicago weekend.