Category: Food

Drinking Brews at the 2016 PA BrewersFest

Imbibing a delectable pour has become a delightful pastime of mine. Whether it’s at the end of a tedious and trying day, the start to a night of over-consumption, or an invigorating fuel after hard...

pittsburgh wing night

Wing Night at Birmingham Bridge Tavern

This review has been a long time coming. But better late than never, I suppose! Back in July, Drew and I journeyed to Birmingham Bridge Tavern in the Southside. I’d been hearing about their...

Spicy garlic wings from wing night at Hog's Head.

Wing Night at Hog’s Head

Yikes, I’m quite far behind on my wing night reviews. Today’s review is of the wings from Hog’s Head Bar and Grill. This place has been on my radar for a while, as it’s...

Butter garlic ranch wings from wing night at Michael's.

Wing Night at Michael’s Tavern

This post has been a bit delayed, but alas! Time for another wing night summary. A few weeks back (ok, almost a month), I was visiting my parents at their home in McDonald after...

Buffalo ranch wings from wing night at Iron Creek Bar and Grille.

Wing Night at Iron Creek Bar and Grille

For my next wing night, I took a trip down to South Fayette township to visit Iron Creek Bar and Grille. I’ve lived in McDonald my entire life, yet I had never heard of...

medium barbecue wings from robert's roadside inn

Wing Night at Robert’s Roadside Inn

I’ve been going to a lot of wing nights in Pittsburgh lately, so I figured – why not start reviewing them? All of the Pittsburgh wing night resources on the web right now are...

hot garlic parmesan and teriyaki wings from wing night at highland bar

Wing Night at Highland Bar

It’s been a while since my last wing night in Pittsburgh post, and my last wing night in general. As it turns out, eating wings that frequently gets kind of boring and makes you...

breweries on the lake erie wine country trail itinerary

Lake Erie Wine Country Trail Itinerary, Day 2

It was too much to record our entire Lake Erie Wine Country trip in one post, so here is part two. If you missed part one, go back and check it out here. Anyway, to...

lake erie wine trail itinerary

Lake Erie Wine Country Itinerary, Day 1

Unbeknownst to many, the Lake Erie region has a treasure trove of wineries. In fact, the area has even created a Lake Erie Wine Country trail to promote them all. This littering of wineries spreads from...